I am so excited to let you know about Beachbody’s newest program: Let’s Get Up!
What is Let’s Get Up?
This is a dance fitness program with an emphasis on fun, joy, and feeling good while getting in a truly effective workout. No matter your fitness and dance level, anyone can do this!
Whether your motivatin is to lose weight, get healthy, or show off your dance skills on your favorite social media platform, this is an amazing program that will deliver FUN and RESULTS in 30 to 35 minutes a day!
Program Information:
*Program length: 30 Days
*Workouts per week: 6
*Equipment needed: The dance workouts require no equipment. For the resistance workouts, light to mediu dumbbells are recommended.
*Audio: English, Spanish, French
*Subtitles: English, Spanish, French
When Can I Start?
April 19, 2021: Coaches can purchase and start workouts
May 3, 2021: Customers can purchase and start workouts.
Fall 2021: Let’s Get Up ! available to all BOD members
Our packages are priced at an amazing value.
What Support Will I Have?
You will have access and support from me, your personal coach! I am here to cheer you on, answer any questions/concerns you might have, and more!
Ready to sign up? Send me a message at kathrynhuggett@gmail.com for questions. I am excited to get you can get started!
Have a Happy Day!
Coach Kathryn
See a short video of what the workout is about here.
Try the sample workout here.